Nice homeland you've got there, shame if something happened to it, Talk To Action, November 30, 2005
Are You a Dominionist? Take the Test!, Talk To Action, December 1, 2005
New US textbook aims to teach Bible as knowledge, Reuters, November 30, 2005
Christian 'Reconstructionist' Says View at Odds With Neoconservativism, Ethics Daily, November 30, 2005
Pastor calls Evangelical leader "insulting and hurtful," dailykos, November 29, 2005
Here's the Problem With Emily Dickinson, New York Times, November 27, 2005 - On Dec. 12, the Federal District Court in Los Angeles will hear a lawsuit filed by a consortium of Christian high schools against the University of California system ...
From Alito's Past, a Window on Conservatives at Princeton, New York Times, November 27, 2005
Dinosaurs, evangelicals and the state, BBC News World Edition, November 26, 2005
From Reconstructionism to Dominionism, Part 1I, Talk To Action, November 26, 2005
From Reconstructionism to Dominionism, Part 1, Talk To Action, November 25, 2005 -- Includes links to interviews Bill Moyers gave with Rousas Rushdooney in 1989
Learning to Be Patient Revolutionaries, Talk To Action, Novewmber 24, 2005
Jerry Falwell and his hunt for the Christmas Grinch, Sojourners, November 23, 2005
On Restoring America, Talk To Action, November 23, 2005
The Woman in A Mink Coat, Talk To Action, November 23, 2005
The Mainstreaming of Patriarchy, Talk To Action, November 23, 2005
Don't miss Mother Jones on the Christian right¹s campaign to remake the U.S. government --- The December issue is now up on and can be accessed here (use the code MJ5RES to access the full text of articles that
fall behind the pay wall)
Statement by KU Provost About Religious Studies Course on Intelligent Design, Kansas City InfoZine, November 23, 2005
College course seeks to debunk intelligent design Proposed religion class labels creationism as 'mythology' CNN, November 22, 2005
Taxing an Unfriendly Church, New York Times, November 22, 2005
Justice Sunday III, Talk To Action, November 21, 2005
Author Esther Kaplan's response to the Anti Defamation League's Sudden Awakening, Talk To Action, November 21, 2005
Alito Often Ruled for Religious Expression, New York Times, November 21, 2005 - Buried in this article is one sentence that says so much:
Eliot Mincberg, the legal director of People for the American Way, a liberal advocacy group, said Judge Alito's record demonstrates that he was "very solicitous when it comes to protecting the right of an individual to practice his religion, but not so solicitous of the right of people to be free of government-supported religion."
Don't Miss! New National Bog Site Takes on the Religious Right, launches November 21, 2005
University Is Accused of Bias Against Christian Schools, New York Times, November 20, 2005
Vatican Official Refutes Intelligent Design, Yahoo, November 18, 2005
A Moral Disgrace, Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners and Convener of Call to Renewal, made the following statement today on the narrow passage of the House Budget Reconciliation Bill. November 18, 2005
Intelligent Religion, Are science and faith really incompatible? Sojourners, December, 2005
ADL Urges Joint Effort Against Right, The Forward, November 11, 2005
Warning of a growing campaign to "Christianize America," the national director of the Anti-Defamation League is calling on Jewish organizations to join him in coordinating a communal strategy for confronting the political and cultural initiatives of religious conservative groups.
The War against Right-wing Theocrats finally begins for real, Dailykos, November 17, 2005
Bishop John Spong on Pat Robertson, Dailykos, November 16, 2005
Review of 'Plan B' Pill Is Faulted, Washington Post, November 15, 2005
Intelligent Design in American Classrooms, National Public Radio, November 14, 2005
In E-mails, Consultant Claims Link to Cornyn, The Associated Press, November 12, 2005:
Former Christian Coalition director Ralph Reed claimed in a 2001 e-mail to a lobbyist that he choreographed John Cornyn's efforts as Texas attorney general to shut down an East Texas Indian tribe's casino.
An Opening for Democrats, However Slim, New York Times, November 13, 2005 ("What does this article have to do with the Religious Right?" you may ask. This article offers a good discussion of the problem of gerrymandering, but it misses the most important event of 1994! That was the year that Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition, with political operative Ralph Reed as Executive Director, used stealth tactics to advance their agenda of taking over the Republican Party. They successfully ran candidates below the radar screen. Time magazine grasped the significance of what had happened. It credited the Christian Coalition with the Republican successes and called Ralph Reed, "The Right Hand of God." Articles like the one in today's New York Times merely serve to keep the Religious Right and its political ambitions under the radar screen.)
On Abortion, It's the Bible of Ambiguity, New York Times, November 13, 2005
Conservative Episcopalians Warn Church That It Must Change Course or Face Split, New York Times, November 12, 2005
Group Trains Air Force Cadets to Proselytize, Washington Post, November 12, 2005
Rove Addresses Federalist Society, Washington Post, November 11, 2005:
Noting that the Senate has confirmed about 200 of Bush's judicial nominees, Rove said that among the president's greatest contributions "are the changes he's brought about in our courts and our legal culture" ...
Censoring Jesus hurts schools, violates free speech, First Amendment Center, October 30, 2005
Robertson tells Dover, PA citizens, after the election: "Don't turn to God if you need help" People for the American Way, November 10, 2005
A Decisive Election in a Town Roiled Over Intelligent Design, New York Times, November 10, 2005
A proposed federal law intended to protect workers' religious rights needs to be revised so that it does not end up infringing on the rights of others, says Americans United for Separation of Church and State. more
Kansas Education Board First to Back 'Intelligent Design', Washington Post, November 9, 2005
Evolution Slate Outpolls Rivals, New York Times, November 9, 2005
Evolution in the bible, says Vatican, Australian News, November 11, 2005
All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena risks losing its tax-exempt status because of a former rector's remarks in 2004, Los Angeles Times, November 7, 2005
When Cleaner Air Is a Biblical Obligation, New York Times, November 7, 2005
Bleeding Hearts of the World, Unite! New York Times, November 6, 2005
Nicolas Kristof discusses some important areas of common ground between liberals and conservative Christians.
DeLay Uses Campaign Tactics to Fight Charges, Washington Post, November 6, 2005
Nominee Is Said to Question Church-State Rulings, New York Times, November 4, 2005
In Intelligent Design Case, a Cause in Search of a Lawsuit, New York Times, November 4, 2005
Kansas judge orders GAY young adult to ATTEND CHURCH, dailykos, November 4, 2005
An Organic Drift, New York Times, November 4, 2005:
Last week, an amendment was slipped into the agricultural spending bill without meaningful debate in a closed-door Republican meeting. ("What does this have to do with domionism?" you may ask. Paul Krugman of the New York Times answered this question: "when you believe, as Mr. DeLay does, that God is using you to promote a "biblical worldview" in politics, the usual rules don't apply." See page on how dominionists, who are heavily represented in the Republican leadership in Congress, have suspended the rules of fair governance.)
The Family Values Sideshow, TomPaine, November 4, 2005
A Former President Warns of 'Endangered Values,' Jimmy Carter's wonderful interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air, November 2, 2005
DeLay Reports Record Funds for Defense, ABC News, November 2, 2005
Maine Rejects Federal Sex-Education Funds All Things Considered, November 1, 2005
Maine becomes the third state to turn down federal funding for school-based sex education because new stricter rules mean the funds can be used only for programs that teach abstinence only. Pennsylvania and California have taken the same step.
No Room for Moderate Republicans? Alternet, November 2, 2005
Last updated: November-2005 |