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The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

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December, 2006


Fighting for The Soul of the Republican Party: Kansas, Talk To Action, December 31, 2006

Modern Inquisition in Nebraska, Talk To Action, December 30, 2006

PEER: National Park Service "Deliberately" Avoided Review of Creationist Book, Talk To Action, December 30, 2006

Trounced at Polls, Kansas GOP Is Still Plagued by Infighting, Washington Post, December 30, 2006

Judge Won't Reinstate Abortion Charges, Washington Post, December 28, 2006

HOW OLD IS THE GRAND CANYON? PARK SERVICE WON'T SAY - Orders to Cater to Creationists Makes National Park Agnostic on Geology, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, December 28, 2006

"Abstinence-Only", Lysenkoism, & Soviet Man-Ape Breeding Programs, Talk To Action, December 28, 2006

Intelligent Design Cabal: A Little Too Clever, Talk To Action, December 27, 2006

At Axis of Episcopal Split, an Anti-Gay Nigerian, New York Times, December 25, 2006

The real 'war on Christians' Inside the First Amendment, December 24, 2006

The Right Has a Jailhouse Conversion, New York Times, December 24, 2006 -- The Second Chance Act, a Congressional bill authorizing funding of prisoner re-entry programs, is supported by legislators who are both liberal Democrats and Christian conservatives.

Kansas Court Dismisses Abortion Charges, Washington Post, December 23, 2006

Theocons at the Pentagon, the fight is on, Talk To Action, December 22, 2006

Goode Grief! Virginia Congressman Espouses Intolerance, Wall of Separation, December 21, 2006

Congressman Criticizes Election of Muslim, New York Times, December 21, 2006

Should We Swear Congressman Ellison in on the Qur'an? Baptist Studies Bulletin, December Issue, 2006

North Carolina Congressman says we will win in Iraq by "spreading the message of Jesus Christ" there. Liberal NC, December 20, 2006

Christian Embassy Video Meets Religious War Video Game, Talk To Action, December 20, 2006

Holiday Bonus: Fighting the 'War on Christmas' Proves Lucrative for Religious Right Groups, Wall of Separation, December 20, 2006

Green Evangelist Richard Cizik, NPR's Fresh Air, December 19, 2006

Americans United Applauds Settlement Of Georgia Lawsuit Over Evolution Disclaimer, December 19, 2006

Senator Removes His Block on Federal Court Nominee, New York Times, December 19, 2006

Talk in Class Turns to God, Setting Off Public Debate on Rights, New York Times, December 18, 2006

Bigoted Backlash: N.J. Community Reacts To Student Who Refused To Say Amen To Preaching Teacher, Wall of Separation, December 18, 2006

7 Va. Episcopal Parishes Vote to Sever Ties, Washingtoon Post, December 18, 2006

Schismatic VA Episcopalians OK With Anti-Gay Laws Worse Than Pre-WW2 Nazi's? Talk To Action, December 18, 2006

Virginia's Episcopal Parishes Vote to Align with Anglicans, NPR, December 17, 2006

Episcopalians Reach Point of Revolt, New York Times, December 17, 2006

Gingrich v The Separation of Church and State, Talk To Action, December 17, 2006

Left Behind Game's Eastern European Charity Tie-In, Talk To Action, December 16, 2006

Sunday Radio Show On Evangelical Recruiting in the Pentagon, Talk To Action, December 15, 2006

Muslim Ellison should not sit in Congress, Judge Roy Moore, WorldNetDaily, December 13, 2006 -- This is an example of revisionist history in action

Groups urge chain to drop Christian game, Boston Globe, December 13, 2006

Military Missionaries: Christian Embassy Recruits Converts With Pentagon Help, Wall of Separation, December 13, 2006

'Convert or die' game divides Christians
Some ask Wal-Mart to drop Left Behind
, San Francisco Chronicle, December 12, 2006

Gay and Evangelical, Seeking Paths of Acceptance, New York Times, December 12, 2006

Megachurches Migrating to Charles, Boom Mirrors Population Growth, Washington Post, December 12, 2006

Inquiry Sought Over Evangelical Video
Defense Department Asked to Examine Officers' Acts Supporting Christian Group, Washington Post, December 11, 2006

Over The Wall: New York Times Reports On 'Faith-Based' Prison Ministries That Flout Church-State Separation, The Wall of Separation , December 11, 2006

Religion for a Captive Audience, Paid For by Taxes, New York Times, December 10, 2006

Must Read New York Times Today, Talk To Action, December 10, 2006

Religious Warfare Stocking Stuffer, Talk To Action, December 9, 2006

Tell WalMart. Stop Selling Religious Violence for Christmas. DefCon

Bushes Get Naughty!: White House Declares War On Christmas - Again! Wall of Separation, December 8, 2006

Brownback: Family Creator-In-Chief,, December 8, 2006

Making A List And Checking It Twice: Falwell Knows Who's Naughty And Nice, Wall of Separation, December 7, 2006

Focus On The Family Endorses 'Satanic Role-Playing' Religious Warfare Video Game As Kid-Safe, Talk To Action, December 6, 2006

The Fight for The Soul of The GOP Is On! Talk To Action, December 5, 2006

Sen. Brownback Forms Group to Explore White House Bid, Washington Post, December 5, 2006

House to Consider Abortion Anesthesia Bill, Washington Post, December 5, 2006:

In a parting gesture by social conservatives before Republicans relinquish control, House leaders plan to bring up a bill tomorrow that would declare that fetuses feel pain and require abortion providers to offer pregnant patients anesthesia for their unborn child.

Slain Nevada Soldier at Last Gets Wiccan Plaque, Washington Post, December 4, 2006

Imagining Satan, Talk To Action, December 4, 2006

Newest Religious Right Tactic: Sue to Get Civil Servant Dough and Block Gay Rights, Talk To Action, December 3, 2006

A Modest Proposal for a Truce on Religion, Nicolas Kristoff, New York Times, December 3, 2006

Justices to Decide if Citizens May Challenge White House's Religion-Based Initiative, New York Times, December 2, 2006

Peter Hammond and Christian Reconstuctionism in Africa, Talk To Action, December 2, 2006

Supreme Court Accepts Case Dealing With Taxpayer Challenge To Bush 'Faith-Based' Office, Americans United, December 1, 2006

Of Oaths And Oafs: Right Seeks (Unconstitutional) Religious Test For Public Office, Wall of Separation, December 1, 2006

Smelling a Rat, Talk To Action, December 1, 2006 -- about the Christian Right and abortion


Last updated: December-2006